Manolis Angelakis / tind, Eternal Gaze, 2018, Silkscreen print on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Manolis Angelakis / tind, Eternal Gaze, 2018, Silkscreen print on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Angelos Antonopoulos, Self-Cosmonauts, 2018, Mixed technique (wood, metal, polyurethane, polystyrene, acrylic), 185 x 130 x 60 cm
Angelos Antonopoulos, Self-Cosmonauts, 2018, Mixed technique (wood, metal, polyurethane, polystyrene, acrylic), 185 x 130 x 60 cm
Nikos Arvanitis, Happy encounter, 2018, Audio play and 3d printed object, 7 x 15 cm
Nikos Arvanitis, Happy encounter, 2018, Audio play and 3d printed object, 7 x 15 cm
Zacharias Arvanitis, Untitled, 2013, Engraving-monoprint, 80 x 108 cm
Zacharias Arvanitis, Untitled, 2013, Engraving-monoprint, 80 x 108 cm
Isidora Avraam, Puberty, 2018, Watercolor, 21 x 26 cm
Isidora Avraam, Puberty, 2018, Watercolor, 21 x 26 cm
Dimitris Baboulis, Vulva in Psychedelia,  2018, India ink on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Dimitris Baboulis, Vulva in Psychedelia, 2018, India ink on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Emmanouil Bitsakis, Peace at Home, 2003 - 2014, Oil and acrylics on canvas, 40 x 40 cm
Emmanouil Bitsakis, Peace at Home, 2003 - 2014, Oil and acrylics on canvas, 40 x 40 cm
Manos Chrisovergis, Untitled, 2018, Photograph, 60 x 60 cm
Manos Chrisovergis, Untitled, 2018, Photograph, 60 x 60 cm
Rory O’Connor, The usual mess, 2016, Print and ink drawing on paper, 28 x 32cm
Rory O’Connor, The usual mess, 2016, Print and ink drawing on paper, 28 x 32cm
Marios Fournaris, Humanoid Perception, 2018, Digital collage / archival print on paper (edition of 5 + 2 a.p), 66 x 47 cm
Marios Fournaris, Humanoid Perception, 2018, Digital collage / archival print on paper (edition of 5 + 2 a.p), 66 x 47 cm
Kyriaki Goni,  Counting craters on the moon. A deep dream (2018), 2018, Mixed media installation, dimensions variable
Kyriaki Goni, Counting craters on the moon. A deep dream (2018), 2018, Mixed media installation, dimensions variable
Ioanna Gouma, Untitled, 2007, Mixed technique, drawing and collage on Japanese paper, 65 x 95 cm
Ioanna Gouma, Untitled, 2007, Mixed technique, drawing and collage on Japanese paper, 65 x 95 cm
Juliano Kaglis, Judgment night, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 40 cm
Juliano Kaglis, Judgment night, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 40 cm
Antonis Kapnisis, The Mountain, 2018, Acrylic on wood, 28 x 38 cm
Antonis Kapnisis, The Mountain, 2018, Acrylic on wood, 28 x 38 cm
Apostolos Karakatsanis, Untitled, 2018,  Acrylic on canvas, 100 x 150 cm
Apostolos Karakatsanis, Untitled, 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 100 x 150 cm
George Kazazis, Breathe in - Breathe out, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 cm
George Kazazis, Breathe in - Breathe out, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 cm
Thanos Klonaris, The Sublimation of Torque, 2018, Inkjet print on archival mat paper, 40 x 40 cm
Thanos Klonaris, The Sublimation of Torque, 2018, Inkjet print on archival mat paper, 40 x 40 cm
Kiki Kolympari, The good and the bad thief, 2018,  Acrylic on wood, 60 x 50 cm
Kiki Kolympari, The good and the bad thief, 2018, Acrylic on wood, 60 x 50 cm
Panayiotis Lamprou, Avato Geraniou, 2009, Photography (Digital Chromogenic Fujicolor Chrystal Archive Print), 85 x 85 cm
Panayiotis Lamprou, Avato Geraniou, 2009, Photography (Digital Chromogenic Fujicolor Chrystal Archive Print), 85 x 85 cm
Varvara Liakounakou, Untitled, 2018, Oil and oil pastel on canvas, 71,5 x 56 cm
Varvara Liakounakou, Untitled, 2018, Oil and oil pastel on canvas, 71,5 x 56 cm
Maria Mavropoulou, Portrait of iPhone 6s, 2018, Photograph printed on light box, 60 x 40 cm
Maria Mavropoulou, Portrait of iPhone 6s, 2018, Photograph printed on light box, 60 x 40 cm
Christos Michaelides, Order and formation is the key to understand their history, 2018, Oil on canvas mounted on card board, 40 x 40 cm
Christos Michaelides, Order and formation is the key to understand their history, 2018, Oil on canvas mounted on card board, 40 x 40 cm
Tassos Misouras
Tassos Misouras
Vassilis Papatsaroychas, The Scientist in Front of the Stiches of Tought, 2018, Indian ink, on handmade paper, 40 x 63 cm
Vassilis Papatsaroychas, The Scientist in Front of the Stiches of Tought, 2018, Indian ink, on handmade paper, 40 x 63 cm
Marios Pavlou, Guided, 2018, Video / duration: 8 min
Marios Pavlou, Guided, 2018, Video / duration: 8 min
Stefanos Rokos, Fantastic Voyage, 6.00 pm, 2018, Mixed media on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Stefanos Rokos, Fantastic Voyage, 6.00 pm, 2018, Mixed media on paper, 40 x 40 cm
George Tourlas, Greater wing, 2018, Digital drawing/digital print on paper, 40 x 40 cm
George Tourlas, Greater wing, 2018, Digital drawing/digital print on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Giorgos Tserionis, Hidden in common view #2, 2017, Wood/clay/iron/enamel paint, 110 x 110 cm
Giorgos Tserionis, Hidden in common view #2, 2017, Wood/clay/iron/enamel paint, 110 x 110 cm
Spyros Verykios, Reflecting skin, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 23 cm
Spyros Verykios, Reflecting skin, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 23 cm
Manolis Angelakis / tind, Eternal Gaze, 2018, Silkscreen print on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Angelos Antonopoulos, Self-Cosmonauts, 2018, Mixed technique (wood, metal, polyurethane, polystyrene, acrylic), 185 x 130 x 60 cm
Nikos Arvanitis, Happy encounter, 2018, Audio play and 3d printed object, 7 x 15 cm
Zacharias Arvanitis, Untitled, 2013, Engraving-monoprint, 80 x 108 cm
Isidora Avraam, Puberty, 2018, Watercolor, 21 x 26 cm
Dimitris Baboulis, Vulva in Psychedelia,  2018, India ink on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Emmanouil Bitsakis, Peace at Home, 2003 - 2014, Oil and acrylics on canvas, 40 x 40 cm
Manos Chrisovergis, Untitled, 2018, Photograph, 60 x 60 cm
Rory O’Connor, The usual mess, 2016, Print and ink drawing on paper, 28 x 32cm
Marios Fournaris, Humanoid Perception, 2018, Digital collage / archival print on paper (edition of 5 + 2 a.p), 66 x 47 cm
Kyriaki Goni,  Counting craters on the moon. A deep dream (2018), 2018, Mixed media installation, dimensions variable
Ioanna Gouma, Untitled, 2007, Mixed technique, drawing and collage on Japanese paper, 65 x 95 cm
Juliano Kaglis, Judgment night, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 40 cm
Antonis Kapnisis, The Mountain, 2018, Acrylic on wood, 28 x 38 cm
Apostolos Karakatsanis, Untitled, 2018,  Acrylic on canvas, 100 x 150 cm
George Kazazis, Breathe in - Breathe out, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 cm
Thanos Klonaris, The Sublimation of Torque, 2018, Inkjet print on archival mat paper, 40 x 40 cm
Kiki Kolympari, The good and the bad thief, 2018,  Acrylic on wood, 60 x 50 cm
Panayiotis Lamprou, Avato Geraniou, 2009, Photography (Digital Chromogenic Fujicolor Chrystal Archive Print), 85 x 85 cm
Varvara Liakounakou, Untitled, 2018, Oil and oil pastel on canvas, 71,5 x 56 cm
Maria Mavropoulou, Portrait of iPhone 6s, 2018, Photograph printed on light box, 60 x 40 cm
Christos Michaelides, Order and formation is the key to understand their history, 2018, Oil on canvas mounted on card board, 40 x 40 cm
Tassos Misouras
Vassilis Papatsaroychas, The Scientist in Front of the Stiches of Tought, 2018, Indian ink, on handmade paper, 40 x 63 cm
Marios Pavlou, Guided, 2018, Video / duration: 8 min
Stefanos Rokos, Fantastic Voyage, 6.00 pm, 2018, Mixed media on paper, 40 x 40 cm
George Tourlas, Greater wing, 2018, Digital drawing/digital print on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Giorgos Tserionis, Hidden in common view #2, 2017, Wood/clay/iron/enamel paint, 110 x 110 cm
Spyros Verykios, Reflecting skin, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 23 cm
Manolis Angelakis / tind, Eternal Gaze, 2018, Silkscreen print on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Angelos Antonopoulos, Self-Cosmonauts, 2018, Mixed technique (wood, metal, polyurethane, polystyrene, acrylic), 185 x 130 x 60 cm
Nikos Arvanitis, Happy encounter, 2018, Audio play and 3d printed object, 7 x 15 cm
Zacharias Arvanitis, Untitled, 2013, Engraving-monoprint, 80 x 108 cm
Isidora Avraam, Puberty, 2018, Watercolor, 21 x 26 cm
Dimitris Baboulis, Vulva in Psychedelia, 2018, India ink on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Emmanouil Bitsakis, Peace at Home, 2003 - 2014, Oil and acrylics on canvas, 40 x 40 cm
Manos Chrisovergis, Untitled, 2018, Photograph, 60 x 60 cm
Rory O’Connor, The usual mess, 2016, Print and ink drawing on paper, 28 x 32cm
Marios Fournaris, Humanoid Perception, 2018, Digital collage / archival print on paper (edition of 5 + 2 a.p), 66 x 47 cm
Kyriaki Goni, Counting craters on the moon. A deep dream (2018), 2018, Mixed media installation, dimensions variable
Ioanna Gouma, Untitled, 2007, Mixed technique, drawing and collage on Japanese paper, 65 x 95 cm
Juliano Kaglis, Judgment night, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 40 cm
Antonis Kapnisis, The Mountain, 2018, Acrylic on wood, 28 x 38 cm
Apostolos Karakatsanis, Untitled, 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 100 x 150 cm
George Kazazis, Breathe in - Breathe out, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 cm
Thanos Klonaris, The Sublimation of Torque, 2018, Inkjet print on archival mat paper, 40 x 40 cm
Kiki Kolympari, The good and the bad thief, 2018, Acrylic on wood, 60 x 50 cm
Panayiotis Lamprou, Avato Geraniou, 2009, Photography (Digital Chromogenic Fujicolor Chrystal Archive Print), 85 x 85 cm
Varvara Liakounakou, Untitled, 2018, Oil and oil pastel on canvas, 71,5 x 56 cm
Maria Mavropoulou, Portrait of iPhone 6s, 2018, Photograph printed on light box, 60 x 40 cm
Christos Michaelides, Order and formation is the key to understand their history, 2018, Oil on canvas mounted on card board, 40 x 40 cm
Tassos Misouras
Vassilis Papatsaroychas, The Scientist in Front of the Stiches of Tought, 2018, Indian ink, on handmade paper, 40 x 63 cm
Marios Pavlou, Guided, 2018, Video / duration: 8 min
Stefanos Rokos, Fantastic Voyage, 6.00 pm, 2018, Mixed media on paper, 40 x 40 cm
George Tourlas, Greater wing, 2018, Digital drawing/digital print on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Giorgos Tserionis, Hidden in common view #2, 2017, Wood/clay/iron/enamel paint, 110 x 110 cm
Spyros Verykios, Reflecting skin, 2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 23 cm
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